Dr. Gersh received his medical degree from the University of Illinois in Chicago. He did an internship at Deaconess Hospital in Buffalo, N.Y., and completed his Internal Medicine training at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Gersh also completed a nephrology fellowship at Brooke Army Medical Center in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Dr. Gersh started practicing with the Hattiesburg Clinic in 1977. At that time, Hattiesburg did not have critical care physicians, so he passed his Boards in Critical Care and served as a Critical Care Physician until the Clinic could recruit a Critical Care Department. He is currently a full time Nephrologist and serves as the Medical Director of the Hattiesburg Clinic Dialysis Units. Dr. Gersh is a past chairman of the Mississippi State Board of Health and serves on the Medicaid Advisory Committee. He just recently was appointed to the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure and is the President of the Mississippi State Nephrologic Society and former vice president of the National Dialysis Association. Dr. Gersh has also served as chairman of the Legislative Council of the Mississippi State Medical Association. In addition, he served in many leadership roles at the Hattiesburg Clinic including Medical Director and member of the Executive Committee. Currently, he occupies leadership positions in several civic and religious organizations.