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  • Guidance regarding GLP-1 and GIP medications


    On August 6, 2024, new guidance was issued by the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure regarding GLP-1 and GIP medications. This guidance updates the previous guidance regarding Semaglutide-based medications that was issued on August 29, 2023.

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  • Dr. Charles Miles

    We are sad to share the news that a former Board Member and long-time physician, Charles Miles, M.D., has passed away.  Dr. Miles served on the Board from 2010 to 2022.  Services are to be held at the First Presbyterian Church in West Point, Mississippi on Saturday, February 8.  Visitation will be held from 10:00 am to 12 noon with the funeral service to follow. 

  • Licensure Rules, Laws and Policies

    The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure is responsible for the licensure of medical and osteopathic physicians; podiatrists; physician assistants; radiologist assistants; acupuncturists; and the permitting of limited x-ray machine operators who practice in a physician's office or clinic.

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Our Mission

The Board's primary objective is to ensure the protection of the health, safety and welfare of Mississippians through implementation and enforcement of laws involving the licensing and regulation of physicians, podiatrists, physician assistants, radiology assistants and acupuncturists and through the objective enforcement of the Mississippi Medical Practice Act.

Military Family Freedom Act

Pursuant to the provisions of the Military Family Freedom Act, Mississippi shall recognize occupational licenses obtained from other states for military members and their families.

Search and find a licensed acupuncturist, limited x-ray machine operator, physician, physician assistant, and radiologist assistant, in the state of Mississippi by either last name, city or both.
A Professional Verification is a verification of a licensee which a hospital or other credentialing organization purchases for primary source verification.